

Wednesday 9 December 2015

3rd day - into the topic

-- We started our day with our learning buddies.
Annike: It was great to share my learning moments from yesterday with my buddy. I really enjoyed it.
Fenia: It was kind of fun, because I cooperated and exchanged my learning moments with a new interesting person.
Aslihan: I had a chance to share my experiences and learn from my buddy.
Hugh: Learning from someone who comes from a different culture to my own, has really expanded my mind in terms of the way I think and evaluate situations.

---Next we created our project profiles...
Annike: Through these profiles I learned a bit about each person (on professional level). Loads of common topics with what we can continue. Now I just have to get to know these people on a social level - can I work with them!?
Fenia: I loved to find out more information about the whole team in this interesting way.
Aslihan: These profiles helped us to learn our professions, project ideas and NGO informations.
Hugh: I felt that the group I joined were really understanding and made me feel welcomed into the fold, I loved learning from my team.

-- ..and found the definitions for important terms considering the gender and LGBT topics.
Annike: Before jumping into a lake, I have to know how deep it is. This workshop gave me a good overview about gender and LGBT lake. I feel much more comfortable swiming there.
Fenia: I loved this part. It was like a goal to me to understand more things about gender issues and this exercise helped me a lot.
Aslihan: Amazing to hear new definitions and differences between them.
Hugh: It really broadened my horizons through defining words that were alien to my everyday vocabulary.

-- After the lunch we had the World Cafe.
Annike: I felt so special - I got a role to lead the discussion about the LGBT+ situation in different countries. Learned a lot there - different countries see LGBT+ in different ways. Spain and UK are more open-minded, Italy and Turkey are influenced by the religion, Portugal is quite conservative, Romenia is allowing gay marriage without giving any recognition to it, Greece has more important problems in their society and Estonia can not find a consensus on the political level.
Fenia:We shared our experiences and we discussed about the conditions in our countries.
Aslihan: I had fun while trainers were serving and discussing different topics.
Hugh: I was a table leader and enjoyed managing the various participants that joined in the discussion.

-- To sum up the day we had the debriefing of the day.
Annike: I love to whine in my debriefing group. It's so relieving.
Fenia: I liked to discuss with organisers and share my thoughts in that way.
Aslihan: We all could explain our opinions and express our needs.
Hugh: It was really important to input the views and thoughts of the table to the organisers, they were very democratic and implemented our suggestions were possible. This was an excellent approach as all particpants felt they were involved in the project.

-- ... and we ended with the movie night.
Annike: ...things are so much easier nowadays.
Fenia: I wasn't there because I was sick, but I'm gonna definetely see it in my home.
Aslihan: Movie that we watched helped me to see difficulties between gay couples and their life.
Hugh: Not applicable.

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